Eril ve Dişil Yönlerimiz
ERİL ve DİŞİL yönlerimizin ÖZGÜNLÜĞÜ ve BÜTÜNLÜĞÜ DÜNYA ve İNSANOĞLU İnsanın kendini anlama ve keşfetme [...]
ERİL ve DİŞİL yönlerimizin ÖZGÜNLÜĞÜ ve BÜTÜNLÜĞÜ DÜNYA ve İNSANOĞLU İnsanın kendini anlama ve keşfetme [...]
In the mid-eighties, we started our journey by trying to discover the meaning of life, aiming to know our real selves and trying to realize the values and beauties of being a real human being. From the beginning, our inspiration was the philosophy and work of our founder Mualla Sevim Güven. The increase of awareness about being human and the realization of this awareness, also led and pioneered us in the creation of an institutional structure.