Since 1990, the theory developed together with the Wisdom Sun Association, the Sun of Humanity Foundation and the companions of its founder Mualla Güven has been called the ‘M-Discipline’. This discipline is the fundamental approach that forms the basis of the institutional structure and action culture of the Sun of Humanity Foundation and is taken as a reference guide in all its activities.
It tells about the INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT and the relationship between individual and social development. This study has been defined as a ‘discipline’ because the ‘M’ contains a certain field of philosophy and practice within itself.
The letter ‘M’ is used symbolically, because it has two arms, displays a balanced stance, and is simple and easy to understand. Although colors do not have a special meaning, they are used to make different developmental stages more understandable.
Each color represents the PATH of Human development. The right arm of ‘M’ is called the GREEN PATH, the left arm is called the RED PATH, and the VERTICAL PATH where the two intersect and merge is called the BLUE PATH.
Capital ‘M’ stands for Individual Development in one aspect and Social Development in the other. Integral Development can only occur when these two journeys balance each other, and the result will be more inclusive and sustainable.
‘Green Path’, which symbolizes individual development also describes Inner Development and Spiritual Journey necessary for the recognition and fulfilment of one’s own potential. It describes the CULTURE OF BEING expressed in Lao Tzu’s phrase ‘the way to doing is through being’. Walking on this path makes a person spiritually master, in other words makes one Wise.
The ‘Red Path’, which symbolizes social development, on the other hand, describes the REFLECTION of awareness and values acquired through individual development on our daily lives and becoming concrete by their TRANSFORMATION into ACTION. It corresponds to the CULTURE OF ACTION/DOING expressed in Lao Tzu’s phrase ‘the way to doing is through being’. A person walking on this path serves the Community according to her/his level of consciousness and sphere of influence. This journey transforms one into a Social Leader.
The ‘Blue Path’ (Direct Path – Vertical Path) describes the adventure of balancing and integration of the red and green paths with each other, just like the DNA helix.
When we experience development only in a certain direction in any of these journeys and ignore the other, we may move away from balance and integrity and stay in ‘HORIZONTAL EXPANSION’. While we think that we are on the balanced and straight path, we may have unknowingly drifted away and separated from the uplifting and integrating path of ‘VERTICAL DEVELOPMENT’. In this case, “UNBALANCED ‘M’ STATES” may occur after a while.
Whether in the individual or social dimension, when the spiritual (internal – abstract – being culture) and material (external – concrete – doing culture) dynamics develop and integrate in a way that feeds each other, INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT emerges.
The human walking with this awareness; becomes a HUMAN who is at peace with self and the environment, who is in constant change and development, who transforms -being free and independent- and serving the community and humanity into a way of life. This human walking on the blue path is called ‘True HUMAN’ as he or she lives and keeps alive the ‘INTEGRAL CONSCIOUSNESS’. This path is always calm and dynamic as much, so that we call this passenger ‘WISE PERSON IN ACTION’ as well.
“One of the main features of M is that it is ‘holonic-holistic’ (which has the same characteristic in its smallest part without losing its holistic feature). That is, each path describing these journeys can display an ‘M’ shaped break down.
When we look closely at the break down of the Green Path, we see a ‘small m’ consisting of two complementary elements. This ‘small m’ takes the name of ‘Green M’ and in one aspect it means ‘understanding and recognizing self’ and ‘realizing self’ on the other, in parallel to the extent of the recognition. The adventure of self-understanding and self-knowing includes infinite potential for sure. During this journey, when one applies the knowledge and awareness that has been acquired from self and from all other sources to life, a calm and peaceful human model emerges. In the advanced stages of development, as human consciousness progresses, WISDOM, which encompasses everyone and everything indiscriminately, is attained.
When we break down the ‘Red Path’, the small ‘m’ that emerges is called ‘Red M’ and it describes ‘Understanding and Recognising the Society and Humanity’ with all its layers and diversity in one aspect and ‘Serving Society and Humanity’ on the other, in parallel to the extent of understanding and recognition. The adventure of understanding and recognizing the society includes infinite potential as in the individual. Throughout this journey, the Leader/Participatory Leadership reaches the awareness of importance of common consciousness, understands and realizes the current cultural richness and communication culture. Leader/Participatory Leadership creates a system that can express itself in the most accurate way by harmonizing this richness with each other in a way that will serve the whole.
Thus, it prepares the ground for the emergence of a social consciousness and social structure that is at peace with itself and its environment. As the Leader/Participatory Leadership progresses, it Serves and Guides the Community according to the consciousness and area of influence it is in. The main thing in this journey; is to internalize the values, knowledge and experiences we have acquired along the way by filtering them through our own mind and heart, by removing the ‘impossible’s in thoughts. Thus, we can move forward on the path of continuous change and development (On the Vertical Path-On the Blue Path) by reflecting it on our attitudes and behaviors.
The BLUE PATH is like a compass and a road map that reminds us at every moment that the adventure of knowing-self and self-realization is an endless adventure. After a while, neither abstract nor concrete form of “M” remains. Only the True “Human” remains apparent. This means that one can only know and realize the True Self while walking on the “BLUE PATH”.
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